Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 05.08.2032








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Bird & Bird



NICE Classification

  • Scientific apparatus and instruments in the field of data processing, preservation and sharing;
    measuring apparatus and instruments in the field of data processing, preservation and sharing;
    data checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments;
    digital recording media;
    digital tools, namely, algorithms, computer hardware, software for encapsulating algorithms, physical and virtual networks;
    data processing equipment;
    software (recorded programs);
    algorithm software for processing, managing and sharing data and knowledge applied to various fields;
    digital measuring apparatus;
    data back-up protection units;
    software for graphical representation of knowledge applied to different fields.;

NICE Classification

  • Digital transformation advisory services dedicated to companies and other organizations;
    commercial analysis and information services;
    data analysis, cleaning and aggregation services (data processing);
    commercial data identification services;
    providing information with respect to data and knowledge processing.;

NICE Classification

  • Telecommunication routing and junction services, namely, definition, implementation and establishment of a network of calculation units for hosting telecommunications resources and infrastructure spread over and across the planet.;

NICE Classification

  • Scientific and technical services in connection with data processing;
    data sharing services;
    engineering services;
    technical evaluations concerning design (engineering work) in connection with data processing;
    design and development of software in connection with data processing;
    design and development of digital tools for compiling and processing data;
    design and development of algorithms from data to develop and share knowledge;
    conducting of technical project studies;
    installation, maintenance, updating of software in connection with data processing;
    programming for computers;
    computer system analysis;
    computer system design;
    consultant services with respect to computer hardware design and development;
    digitization of documents;
    Software as a Service (SaaS);
    cloud computing;
    advice regarding information technology;
    server hosting;
    data hosting;
    Information technology services being definition, implementation and establishment of a network of calculation units for hosting databases and the processing thereof;
    electronic data storage;
    electronic data storage and back-up services;
    providing information technology services, data and knowledge in connection with energy, CO2 management, greenhouse gas management, transport, smart cities;
    development of programs for virtual discovery, namely, sensory amplification and knowledge representation;
    design of virtual reality software for sharing knowledge applied in various fields.;

NICE Classification

  • Providing information, data and knowledge in connection with agriculture, horticulture and forestry;
    providing information, data and knowledge in connection with health.;

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